i'm taking over chicago

Thursday, May 31, 2007

i got a bike!

yeah you read the title. i'm pummped. last night after work i went to a bike shop and scoped out prices for a new bike to get me back and forth to the train station. i have to get a hybrid because i wouldn't be able to do any city riding with a mountain bike (good riding anyways) and road bikes are too expensive. the prices for hybrids ran from $280 for sucky ones and $330 to about $1500 for good ones. yeah expensive.

so i looked on craig's list and found someone selling one for $100. i didn't think it could be in that good of shape, but i went and checked it out and i think it runs as good or better than my old one (which i paid over $300 for). so i bought it, my 5th bike in about 6 years. the first one, college freshman year, i left out in the winter. Second one, sophmore year, someone ran into me, flew over his handle bars and ran off, leaving my front wheel bent. My third one, junior/senior year, got impounded, i got it back, and a few weeks later it got stolen right in front of the engineering building. My fourth one got stolen last Thanksgiving break about 30 feet away from the spot where the other one was stolen in front of the engineering building. I'm not letting this one get out of my site, just hope my co-workers don't mind it sitting in the office whenever i decide to ride to work. thank god for bikes on trains.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

one day and i feel new again

i thought i would dread this, but waking up just after 5 has been amazing. i got maybe 5 hours of sleep last night and i'm wide awake, i got a workout in already, and i still have the rest of the day ahead of me. i'm sure i'll crash early tonight, but it's totally worth it. my legs are sore, along with my back, which is a great feeling i haven't had in a long time.

i think part of it is because i'm finally starting to get over my caffeine addiction. i had a headache before i went out this morning and haven't had one since. it's put me in a great mood!

aj's coming this weekend and he will be my first official visitor(excluding andrea and my parents of course). the stone's are in the semifinals of the playoffs so i'm sure saturday we'll go downtown somewhere to watch the game. should be a blast. i don't know what else we'll do but i'm sure that it'll be sweet. it's been kinda lonely lately, especially since i think it's the longest i've been away from andrea in a loooong time, so it'll be nice to do something more social for a change.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

spiderman used 4.5 hours of my life, but it was worth it

i decided to finally go see spiderman, because i've been raving about it for like 6 months and when it finally came out, i graudated-got a job-moved to chicago-absolutely didn't have the money to go see it. so today, i came in early for work so i could leave early to go see it, and after it was done i missed the 6:30 train by about 40 seconds. it kinda makes up for this morning where i made the train with about 10 seconds left. damn, i love riding these things but the whole, 'on their schedule' thing kinda tries to break my balls sometimes.

so i'm here waiting in my office for the 8:30 train to get here so i can go home. i found out jewel has some good magazines to read but not much else to do to waste time. also arlington heights people don't say hi. not one person i passed would make a gesture back at me. maybe i'm having a bad hair day or something.

now hopefully i'll be able to make it home in time to cook, do a in apt workout and maybe some yoga. oh yeah, and try and clean too. damn i'm not going to bed till late again...

getting up early is...awwwwwesome

so today i started my new 5:30am wake-up ritual. I got on the street by 5:50 and went for my 20 minute run. it's a start to finally get rid of this stupid belly that i've aquired busting ass and indulging athletic laziness from the past 8 or so months. running before work, weights and yoga after. i am getting back into shape and today is the first day of an everyday thing. it better be. i just need to put these words down so i follow them. no body reads this thing anyways but me.

the weekend was fun and traveling. kateri's graduation/party was great, besides the family conflict thing that happens whenever there's uncertainty of who's got control of the situation. it's going to be kinda nice when kateri goes to college. my parents will hopefully start destressing, and i get to kick her ass when she's not doing well with class. i'm going to be a kinda hypocrite with her, because i fluffed off my first couple years, but engineers can do that, not physical therapy students. she needs to understand that she won't be able to party every weekend, and definitely won't be able to leave to go home or here unless she does study then. we'll see what happens.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I have a bed!!!

so this was an amazing weekend. my parents came down and brought me a couch, lazyboy, and a the rest of the big stuff from east lansing. they arrived at about 6:30 saturday morning, i got internet around 11:30, and took my mom up to see my office around 2. she sprained her ankle walking out to the car the night they came down to chi so we weren't able to do much more than that.

it was seriously one of the best weekends i've had with my rents in a long time. they didn't fight or argue about anything at all. i didn't catch my dad smoking like i thought i would, and they were in a generally great mood the whole time they were here. it's like they now respect me as an adult, and i think it's a good feeling for all of us. i'm just sad my sister couldn't come down with them. but she did get to play with the puppies as much as she wanted too.

speaking of my sis, i'll be going home this friday to see her finally graduate from high school. i'll get to be the peace keeper with my grandparents coming down for the almost entire weekend and make sure them and my rents don't drive each other crazy. also get to spend some time with my sis since i haven't seen her in a few months. and play with the PUPPIES! by now they're these tiny little white fur-balls. i can't wait.

Friday, May 18, 2007


chicago continues it's crazieness. this will be a huge weekend for me. I get an Internet connection, a real bed and a nice chair. My parents are coming down to bring load 2 of my big items. Once I get my Internet connection up I'll be able to setup the infamous www.wajiw.com again. Since I've become the super sweet web developer I'll have a ton of amazing web related things on their, along with this blog and my other blogs.

have a great weekend, well me, because I'm the only one reading this before the weekend :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007


fyi, this will be my new personal blog. my work blog (wajiw8) will not be public. In here will be personal thoughts, personal updates, and random computer related info. I might add another blog for public computer ramblings because of how poor blogger is with security. Otherwise I'd keep it out of here and just put it in my work if I could keep part of it open and restrict parts, but this software isn't good enough for that. We'll see, maybe I'll switch or start my own again.