i'm taking over chicago

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

why is everyone growing up?

this past weekend i just started to say goodbye to my best bud Chris McD. i rememeber his first day of pre-k when his parents brought him into class after they moved back from baraga. i fought the kids at my table to make him my friend and we've been like brothers ever since.

earlier this year he told me he was asking his gf to marry him, and the guy actually did it. this past weekend we had his bachelor party. i know we're 24 and it's time to start doing those things but really, it feels fucking weird. to think that he's going to start having kids in the next couple years and it seems like just yesterday that we were playing trucks in the back behind my house.

myself...i just can't see getting married anytime soon. even if that perfect situation came up it would just take my life in a complete 180. getting married to me means 2 things: kids and settling down. when you get married you have instant responsibilities. your priorities change dramatically. i'm only 24 and still have thousands of dollars in loans, and i work like 100 hours a week(including side projects). but will i ever be stable enough to take the plunge? i mean...really where do you have to be to start that shit?

i guess only time will tell. i know now i'm not alone, but it seems my friends are starting to drop like flies and the conflict in my head is only going to get greater. i can hold out right?



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