i'm taking over chicago

Monday, August 18, 2008

i love to ride my bicycle..do you?

3 weeks ago i got my bike stolen. right in front of a major train station in downtown chicago. can you believe that? yeah i did have a shitty lock on it, with a cable that was only medium duty, but really, why are people so useless?

i guess it did happen for a reason though. i ended up hitting up my favorite bike shop 'uptown bikes' by my old apartment, and gave into getting a road bike. my first one, and boy i do love thee. i rode it up to evanston yesterday. It's a little over 12 miles to get where i was going, such a beautiful ride.

the bike is a KHS Flight 220. it's a low-end road bike but perfect for me (KHS does happen to be the initials of my high school). another step to becoming the urban dynamist i want to become :)

Monday, August 04, 2008

well that's over :)

it was a great and horrible weekend that i don't really feel like writing about for anyone else so i'm just going to post this link:
